Photo by Tim Mossholder / Unsplash

2:7 Diversity & Inclusion: Creating welcoming spaces

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson

Attending an event can be an amazing experience, but it's not always easy to ensure that everyone feels included and valued. In this episode Lee explores why promoting diversity and inclusion is crucial, what creating a welcoming space for all attendees entails, and shares actionable strategies to ensure everyone feels included.

From ensuring that event communications use inclusive and respectful language to providing accessible facilities and offering a variety of food options that cater to dietary restrictions, Lee covers many key elements necessary for creating a welcoming and inclusive space.

Why diversity and inclusion matter

  • More meaningful connections: When attendees feel valued and included, they're more likely to engage with the event and each other.
  • Diverse perspectives: A diverse group of attendees brings a wide range of perspectives and ideas, leading to more innovative and creative solutions.
  • Negative impact of exclusion: Exclusionary environments can significantly impact attendees negatively, leading to negative experiences, feelings of isolation, and alienation.
  • Ethical imperative: Promoting D&I, we can help break down barriers and address systemic inequalities and injustices that still exist in our world today.
  • Better representation: Ensuring a wide range of perspectives and voices are represented creates a more inclusive environment that reflects the diversity of our society.

Key Strategies:

Lee shares some key strategies for your next event. Let us know in the comments below what you would add to this list.

  • Ensure diverse representation in the event line-up
  • Make events accessible for attendees with disabilities
  • Create safe spaces for marginalized attendees
  • Use inclusive language in all communications
  • Provide diversity and inclusion training for staff and volunteers
  • Partner with diversity-focused organizations
  • Incorporate inclusive design principles
  • Conduct pre-event surveys to gather information about attendees

Key Takeaways:

The episode explores a lot of ideas. Here are some key takeaways for you to think upon.

  • Promoting diversity and inclusion in events is crucial for creating a successful and ethical event.
  • Creating a welcoming environment is essential for ensuring all attendees feel valued and respected at your event.
  • Promoting diversity and inclusion is an ongoing process, and it's important to continually evaluate and improve strategies.

Join the conversation

We'd love to hear from you! Leave a comment below with your thoughts on promoting diversity and inclusion in event planning. If you found this podcast helpful, please share it with your colleagues and friends.


Welcome to the Event Martech Podcast! This is your host, Lee. And on today’s show, we're exploring an incredibly important topic: diversity and inclusion in events.

We'll discuss why promoting diversity and inclusion is crucial, what creating a welcoming space for all attendees entails, and share some actionable strategies to ensure everyone feels included.

Why diversity and inclusion matter

Promoting D&I (diversity and inclusion) at events isn't just a nice gesture; it's essential for creating a successful and ethical event.

Here are some reasons why it's important:

1. More Meaningful Connections

When attendees feel valued and included, they're more likely to engage with the event and each other, leading to more meaningful connections and networking opportunities.

2. Diverse Perspectives

A diverse group of attendees brings a wide range of perspectives and ideas, leading to more innovative and creative solutions.

3. Negative Impact of Exclusion

Conversely, exclusionary environments can significantly impact attendees negatively, leading to negative experiences, feelings of isolation, and alienation. This can result in fewer attendees overall and could create a negative reputation for the event.

4. Ethical Imperative

Promoting D&I is essential for creating a more just and equal society. Through it, we can help break down barriers and address systemic inequalities and injustices that still exist in our world today.

5. Better Representation

Ensuring a wide range of perspectives and voices are represented creates a more inclusive environment that reflects the diversity of our society.

This in turn helps create a more all-encompassing event experience for everyone involved.

Creating a welcoming space

Creating a welcoming and inclusive space is crucial for ensuring that all attendees feel valued and respected at your event. A welcoming environment can help attendees feel more engaged and connected with each other, leading to better networking opportunities and a enjoyable overall experience.

But what exactly does it mean to create a welcoming space? Here are some key elements to consider:

  • Ensuring that your event communications and materials use language that is inclusive and respectful to all attendees. Avoid using gendered language and prioritize using language that is neutral and non-discriminatory.
  • Providing accessible facilities, such as wheelchair ramps, captioning for videos, and large-print materials, to ensure that all attendees can participate and engage in your event.
  • Offering a variety of food options that cater to dietary restrictions and preferences to ensure that everyone can enjoy the event's catering.
  • Encouraging diversity among your speakers, presenters, and performers to ensure that a range of perspectives and voices are represented at your event.
  • Being proactive in addressing any incidents of discrimination or harassment that may occur.

Strategies for promoting diversity and inclusion

Here are several strategies you can implement to ensure that all attendees feel valued and respected.

1. Diverse Representation

Ensure your event line-up includes a diverse range of speakers, panelists, and performers. This guarantees that a wide range of perspectives and voices are represented.

2. Accessibility

Make your event accessible to attendees with disabilities by providing wheelchair ramps, sign language interpreters, and other accommodations as needed. This ensures everyone can fully participate.

3. Safe Spaces

Create safe spaces for attendees who may feel marginalized or underrepresented. This could include a designated space for LGBTQ+ attendees or a quiet space for attendees with sensory processing needs.

4. Inclusive Language

Use inclusive language in all event materials and communications to ensure everyone feels respected and valued. This includes avoiding gendered language and using person-first language when referring to individuals with disabilities.

5. Diversity and Inclusion Training

Provide training for event staff and volunteers to ensure everyone is aware of the importance of promoting diversity and inclusion. Focus on building a culture of inclusivity and respect.

6. Partner with Diversity-Focused Organizations

Collaborate with organizations that focus on promoting D&I to help promote your event and reach a wider audience. Include organizations that address issues related to race, gender, disability, LGBTQ+ rights, and more.

7. Incorporate Inclusive Design

Incorporate inclusive design principles into the event planning process. Include designing event spaces that are wheelchair accessible, providing multiple options for food and beverages to accommodate different dietary needs, and creating clear signage and wayfinding materials to help attendees navigate the event.

8. Conduct Pre-Event Surveys

Conduct pre-event surveys to gather information about attendees' backgrounds and identities, as well as their needs and preferences. Use this information to inform event planning and ensure the event is designed to meet the needs of all attendees.

Promoting diversity and inclusion is an ongoing process, and it's essential to continually evaluate and improve your strategies.

I do hope you've been inspired by some of the ideas I’ve presented today, and if you have any thoughts or questions about this episode, we'd love to hear from you. Click the link in the show notes, and join us in the comment section.

If we don't talk in the comments, let's connect in the next episode.

Season 2

Lee Matthew Jackson

Content creator, speaker & event organiser. #MyLifesAMusical #EventProfs
